chocolate tarte

the (mis)adventures of an aussie girl in a kitchen somewhere in europe

02 September 2006

1 jam, 0 marmalade

The first pic explains why there was no time to get to the shops and so have nothing new to show and tell. The second is a shameful misuse of the internet to cry home. My glass of orange marmelade (brought to life by my dad) is neither half full, nor half empty. It is completely barren.

Here is the recipe for Dad's Citrus Marmalade, so I can remind him how it is done (or at least inspire myself to have a go when the shops open again on Monday)
1 .5 kg citrus fruit
2.5 kg sugar
3 L water
scrub fruit well, dry thoroughly, cut into quarters, remove pips, then thinly slice or shred flesh. Place in a large pan with the water and cook gently, uncovered, until fruit is very soft (2-2,5 hours). Warm the sugar in a saucepan, add to the fruit mixture and continue heating until sugar has dissolved, stirring constantly. Then boil vigorously for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Skim any scum from the surface with a metal slotted spoon. Allow to stand 5-10 minutes then pour into clean, dry jars and seal immediately.


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